$STONKS simulator
Game features
Invest in the stock market and earn money!
A game by Markop1CZ written in Python using pygame. Try this stock market simulation game featuring buying and selling shares, taking loans, bankrupting etc. Game features randomly generated stock prices using seeded values. Available in Czech and English localisation. Contains original soundtrack featuring 2 tracks by Markop1CZ.

+ & - button:
- click adds 1 of current magnitude
- ctrl+click adds 10 of current magnitude
- ctrl+shift+click adds 100 of current magnitude
F5 to take screenshot (saved in game dir)
You can download the game here (python source files, uncompiled)
Released under ZLIB license.
Requirements: pygame, noise libraries
Version 1.1 (.zip)2022/12/25 changelog
Version 1.0 (.rar)2022/03/29
Visit project page on pygame.org.
Visit my homepage (in czech).